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Legacy Billiards Tellico 8 Ft Pool Table

Tellico 8 Ft Pool Table

Sharp lines and tasteful angles make the Tellico Billiard Table an excellent choice for someone designing a contemporary game room. Created to satisfy the savviest designer and built to withstand years of fun and friendly competition. Named after the Tellico River in the Blue Ridge Mountains, this tables unique design does its best to match the beauty of this meandering mountain gorge river.



102.25" x 58.25" x 31.50"


715 lbs

Leg Option

Angled Tapered Modern

Table Construction

1.25" Solid wood cabinet
High torque t-nut fasteners

Rail Sights

Double diamond pearl


Leather drop


3 piece 1" backed

Legacy Billiards Tellico 8 Ft Pool Table
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