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Custom Freestanding Sauna


Custom, Free-standing Indoor Sauna

No walls, no problem.

Custom design a free-standing traditional sauna with your exact space requirements, preferred finishes, and overall appeal.

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Sisu saunas: stand free

Our custom panel-built saunas, called Sisu, are a great solution when you're looking for a uniquely designed stand-alone sauna to set into your existing indoor space; maybe your gym, wellness center, spa, basement, spare room, or other.

Personalize with design options that complement and enhance your sauna's final destination. Wood selection, door design, window placement, electric heater, and more are design decisions you get to make.

This process begins with our local dealers, who guide you through the design, measurements, delivery, and installation. We manufacture the panels perfectly to your specifications, and deliver pre-built panels and components, ready for final assembly.

SISU Sauna Kits

What's included

Every Sisu sauna design starts from a standard package, which you can build from to craft your preferred sauna experience. The final delivery will include the following, for easy assembly:

  • Pre-built, pre-fitted wall and ceiling panels, all completely blind nailed,
  • Pre-built benches, backrests, headrests, and duckboards
  • Pre-hung all-glass door, hinged left or right, pre-installed in its own panel
  • Pre-installed windows and/or glass front
  • Genuine Finnleo heater, rocks, and heater guard
  • SaunaLogic2® control with mobile app
  • Pre-installed LED lighting
  • Bucket, ladle, and necessary hardware

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Designing and building your sauna

Exterior wood selection


Nordic White Spruce





Western Red Cedar

Western Red Cedar


Interior wall & bench wood selection

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Nordic White Spruce walls / Abachi benches


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Hemlock walls / Hemlock benches


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Western Red Cedar walls / Western Red Cedar benches


Backrest design

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2-bar backrest


Wood Species: Abachi

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2-bar backrest


Wood Species: Hemlock or Cedar

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2-bar wide backrest


Wood Species: Hemlock

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3-bar backrest


Wood Species: Hemlock, Cedar, or Abachi

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3-bar wide backrest


Wood Species: Hemlock

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3-bar wide backrest, heat-treated


Wood Species: Hemlock (center board heat-treated)

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6-bar curved backrest


Wood Species: Hemlock, Cedar, or Abachi

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6-bar curved backrest, heat-treated


Wood Species: Hemlock, Cedar, or Abachi (top and bottom boards heat-treated)

Heater selection

Door designs

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Standard: Pre-hung 24" x 72" w/Bronze-Tint

Upgrades Available: clear- and satin-tint; other sizes available.

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All-glass, etched


Etched birch leaf design, hinge-right only. 24" x 72" only.

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Douglas Fir


With insulated glass window; multiple sizes available.

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Glass front


Choose a full or 2/3 clear glass front for your Sisu sauna; room size requirements apply.

Other design considerations

Bench Skirts

Bench skirts


Add a skirt to the upper bench for added elegance, plus it serves as a back rest for lower bench bathers.

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Window details


You'll get to select quantity, placement, and glass tint for your sauna windows. Maximize your views with well-placed windows.

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Door handle

Standard: Wood handle

Upgrade: white oak hand with stainless steel standoffs (only available with all-glass door designs).

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Audio add-on


Add high quality sound into your sauna with a Bluetooth® soundbar. Pair your phone and listen to your favorite entertainment.

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Standard: In-backrest lighting

In traditional custom Sisu saunas, in-backrest LED lighting is standard. This soft light illuminates the room beautifully, and subtly, and provides color options for chromotherapy. Puck lights are an alternative substitution.

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SaunaLogic2 control


Every custom sauna comes equipped with a SaunaLogic2 control for managing your pure sauna experience. Control temperature, timing, lighting and more from your wall-mounted control, or your mobile device. Additional options available for commercial installations.

Custom sauna sample sizes and configurations

Here are some common configurations to help show what is possible within the space you have available. Dimensions below are approximate interior dimensions of sample sauna layouts. General recommendations: allow 2' of bench per person. The smallest size configuration we can support is 4'x5'; largest is 7'x8'. Minimum ceiling height: 78", maximum ceiling height: 96"

Pb 4x6 Fso Th


Pb 5x6 Fso Th


PB 6x6 CAD


Pb 6x6 5 Sided Fso Th



Pb 6x8 Fso Th


Pb 7x7 5 Sided Fso Th



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Custom free-standing indoor sauna, in your home

After design is finalized, we custom build your SISU sauna to your exact specifications, pre-building as many components as possible, including walls, ceiling, benches, backrests, headrests, and duckboard. We also manufacture your selected heater, install lighting, pre-cut trim, and more - delivering to your dealer a complete sauna kit ready for installation. Here is what is included:

  • Pre-built sauna walls and ceiling, in the wood species of your choice - complete with foil vapor barrier, vents, grills, windows, and hardware
  • All interior trim: corner, cove and interior door casing
  • Pre-built benches, backrests, benchskirts, headrests, and/or duckboard
  • Genuine Finnleo heater, with rocks and heater guard
  • SaunaLogic2® control
  • Pre-hung door
  • LED RGBW lighting
  • Sauna bucket and ladle
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